
Mikaela Dorch

Artist statement: "Mikaela Dorch’s digital media artwork, Pixieverse, presents an ethereal panorama of a futuristic fairy world. This virtual reality conceptually portrays the art of transformation: the dream of the second attention. Drawing from ancient spiritual wisdom, the art of transformation shapes dreams into reality within a newly created awareness. From this perspective, Mikaela brings her imagination of a peaceful fantasy dreamscape to life. The future of technology, nature, and spiritual energy embodies Mikaela’s speculative universe.

Pixieverse’s landscape is composed of natural and artificial elements in creation of boundless energy. The pixies work and play together to restore faith in humanity by using innovative technology. In this contemporary approach, the pixie community updates and notifies humans to not fear the implications of artificial intelligence. Developing technologies can assist but never replace the innate qualities of human complexity: the natural mind, body, spirit, and dream. Pixieverse aims to achieve an ethical balance between natural and artificial emergences in the new media age."


Based in California’s Bay Area region, Mikaela Dorch (she/her) is a digital media artist and creative strategist with a passion for exploring the intersection of art and technology. Starting at an early age, Mikaela was drawn to creating landscape and still-life compositions in pictorial art with materials such as charcoal and acrylic. From adolescence to young adult years, she further expanded her conceptual interests and practice to digital illustration, multimedia production, and graphic design. Currently, she is working with various digital media applications in the realm of visual computer graphics, three-dimensional modeling, and virtual reality world building. Mikaela often blends traditional art techniques with innovative technology to create immersive and engaging works.

The creative journey of Mikaela continues to evolve through her experimental practice and research in art education. She is committed to pushing boundaries through conceptual projects in conversation of experiences within virtual and natural worlds. For education, Mikaela received an Associate of Arts degree in focus of digital art and graphic design from Las Positas College and will receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Digital Media Art from San José State University. In occupation, she works as a freelance digital media artist, creating a variety of projects and commissions for clients. Mikaela’s dynamic journey in digital media art, spanning academia, and freelance work, highlights her unwavering pride in pushing creative borderlines and embracing future technology.

Mikaela Dorch