Lonesome Horizon

Kenny Nguyen

Artist statement: "Your friend from school is hosting a Halloween party and invites many other students, including all of your other friends. You, however, did not receive an invitation. You tell yourself that he forgot to invite you but deep down, you know he did not want to. Did he ever consider you as a friend? You feel extremely lonely from being excluded and wonder if you will find true friends.

Similarly, in a zombie apocalypse, you would feel the same but on a grander scale. Instead of a lack of friends, there is a lack of survivors. In a world overrun by zombies, the ratio of zombies to survivors would be drastically high. In some adaptations, it can be as high as 5,000 to 1.

Lonesome Horizon evokes a strong sense of loneliness and isolation through the concept of an apocalyptic city overrun by zombies. Immersed in a virtual environment with zombies attacking the viewer with insults instead of bites and scratches, the viewer is vulnerable and exiled from the community. In real life, the viewer may have felt lonely before — Lonesome Horizon reminds them that they are indeed alone. However, the city is not completely lost to the undead; there are many consoling resources advertised to the viewer. Lonesome Horizon serves as an emotional reflection on isolation and echoes the struggle against loneliness in both virtual and real-life landscapes, while offering a glimmer of hope amidst so much desolation."


Currently based in San Jose, California, Kenny Nguyen has been honing his skills in 3D modeling, game development, web development and animation. Inspired by pop culture, sports and friends, he strives to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation in his artistic endeavors. His passion for storytelling and technology fuels his drive to create immersive experiences that captivate audiences and evoke emotions.

Kenny's diverse skill set allows him to explore various mediums, from crafting intricate 3D models to designing interactive games and dynamic web experiences. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, he continuously seeks to refine his craft, constantly experimenting and embracing new techniques to bring his visions to life. Through his work, Kenny aspires to leave a lasting impact, leaving audiences enthralled and inspired by his imaginative creations. Kenny has had one gallery show for his Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Digital Media Art, which featured a highly immersive Virtual Reality experience.

kenny nguyen