
Henry Blackwell

Artist statement: "My name is Henry AlecZander Blackwell. I, and many others, have pondered the reason for our existence. It even drives some to madness trying to find the answer. Honestly, I believe we’ll never truly find the answer, we have to strive to find the beauty in what’s here. Around us, the cycle of life and death happens in every aspect and scale of life. From the tiniest animal to the tallest tree, and even humans, none are safe from the cycle. In truth, it is one of my greatest fears. But I believe that in order to truly appreciate life, you have to also learn to appreciate death for all it is.

True beauty is only found in death. When something dies, their body becomes nutrients for the flowers and animals in the area from which new life emerges. That is where I have found my beauty. This piece is my attempt at trying to find my own peace with the inevitable. "


Henry Blackwell is an artist working primarily in 3D design and Video art. He prefers to use Blender for 3D and Adobe Programs for video art. His experience at San Jose State University has made him a jack of all trades and has experience in many different digital mediums. He is inspired by the concept of the cycle of Life and Death. Eventually, everyone will die, it is the most natural and guaranteed thing in the world. However, it is a challenging fact to accept, but he believes there is beauty in the cycle itself. If one can learn to appreciate death, then one can truly appreciate life.

henry blackwell