How they say it

Danielle Sipin Jalotjot

Artist statement:“Hi, you gained a lot of weight!”

“Hey, what happened to your skin?”

These are the comments I can expect to hear when seeing relatives I haven’t seen in a while, as if I’m being greeted and judged in the same line. While I appreciate their concern for my well-being, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable and insecure. I usually laugh it off, believing it’s not worth it to express my discomfort- so I decided to communicate what I wish I could say in a different way. As a looped, composited video work, How they say it (2023) reimagines this issue.

While this work specifically refers to the Filipino-American experience of myself and others, it can apply to anyone who has heard the same disheartening comments about their skin, weight, and so on. By sharing the emotions of the receiving end, I hope those who make these comments can better understand the impact of their words and how they say it.


As a multidisciplinary digital media artist, Danielle Jalotjot specializes in 3D modeling, digital illustration, compositing, and video editing. Her work typically explores her identity of being a Filipino-American woman, AAPI representation and culture, feminist themes, LGBTQ+ themes, and mental health. Jalotjot intends to open up discussion about overlooked cultural issues and taboos, as well as inspire others to embrace their identity. With her dedicated practice in art-making, she hopes to collaborate with diverse creatives, working on meaningful projects at the intersection of art and technology.

danielle sipin jalotjot