
Christian Acosta

Artist statement: "Oftentimes people view the monster as an evil thing to destroy, but they fail to learn about its story. Hidetaka Miyazaki, the creator of the video game Dark Souls, has a world filled with such monsters. They are ugly, evil looking, and attack you therefore they must die. This is what most players think, but for the ones who look past their features and take the extra effort to dive deeper into their stories discover the sadness of their tales. They learn that most of these monsters were just trying to survive the curse laid upon them, oftentimes they attack you because they’re protecting the only thing they hold dear to them, and most of them were just innocents caught in the crossfires of some higher authority figure’s greedy war. Learning their story grants players a more virtuous reason to fight. Every creature encountered is now met with pity and every creature slain is met with mercy. Before you fight, think about your enemy. It’s the least you can do.

Blackwall is an RPG game where you play as the hero whose duty is to stop the Lich. You are allowed to ignore everything and just speed rush through, but players who take their time to understand the story will have a better experience. Blackwall is meant to teach players that these monsters you must kill were once people. Understand the story, understand the people you are protecting, understand these things before you must kill. In the real world, not every encounter will have a peaceful resolution, but you must not lose your humanity when doing so."


I was born in Manilla, Philippines and raised in San Jose, California. I started my art journey sometime in elementary school in the early 2000’s creating funny comics for my school mates with just a pencil and paper. High school is when I began to pursue a career in art, learning all the fundamentals through my background in animation. However, when I got to college I was convinced to change my career aspirations and started to learn coding. Yet my passion for art and video games lead me back to pursuing my original dream. My thirst to learn everything related to art and video games has broadened my knowledge as a student and a creator. Now with my accumulated knowledge and experience, I plan to create many more projects to entertain everyone.

christian acosta