All of My Life

Alexander Jang

Artist statement: "This will be a film that is told within a first person perspective narrative that mixes the elements of a documentary evoking emotion, with the key concepts being the viewer not to just see just an art piece, but who the artist is behind all the “pretty” work. This focuses on a sense of vulnerability, like a personal expression of thoughts or rants, along with a method of self-therapy and learning process to let go of things. This is because I held onto so much past negativity and memories and never had a healthy source of output to let go of them, so I decided to use art as my next method. This is my story and to ensure it's told in a clear manner across several different frames I am hand crafting each element within a scene to play out like my own personal TV show. Cartoons are a huge chunk of what made me an artist, as I used it as a method of escape from my dark thoughts as a young child. However, this will not be just a 2-d animated cartoon skit, but a layered story that mixes mediums involving personal recordings and photographs, so that way the story is grounded and allows depth within the telling of my story. The method of display will be done in a 3-d environment, where the user is the camera and will walk within the room to observe the film projected on the television. The reason for this is because we watch stories all the time through sources of media and I wanted to implement that same experience, which is an element of personal nostalgia, and is something most viewers have grown up doing within the last few decades. Once the viewer has completed witnessing the film, the hoped outcome of it should be that they know more about me, not just as an artist, but as a human being. However, this is a very emotional piece and I truly don’t know what one will feel coming out. We are all different, but share events labeled as “common”, so to say the viewer will be emotional is fair, but it shouldn’t be of pity but rather that of understanding. "


Alexander Jang is an accomplished artist renowned for their mastery in 2-D and 3-D character design, along with a passion for storytelling. With an ongoing ambition to creating and expanding upon his craft, Alexander Jang creates immersive art where imagination becomes a piece of reality.

From a young age, Alexander Jang exhibited a fascination for art was guided through a child's curiosity. He would relentlessly observes hours of 'behind-the-scenes' footage of popular television shows and movies. This fueled his passion to become a part of the industry within his later life.

Within his works, Alexander Jang strives to constantly push the boundaries of his own imagination when developing 2-D and 3-D designs. These characters become more than just artistic creations, but concepts than transform into narratives that invites the viewer to explore his diverse creativeness.

Alexander Jang